Yesterday’s list: Strawberry low fat yogurt, Bratwurst with mustard, relish and sauerkraut, sour cream and cheddar potato chips, Diet Coke, potato salad, Chicken club sandwich, french fries, 7 Mrs. Fields nibblers.
I had a nice chat with a good friend on Sunday. She has gone the rounds with trying to lose weight, and has been fairly successful, but still battles with it (her words, not mine). It’s always nice to know that people actually read this thing. And that they are rooting for me, too. I have to admit that my infrequency here has been partially due to a crazy schedule, but probably mostly due to getting a little tired of all the talk and no action. It has been hard to get the things done that I have wanted to do. And it’s easy to say that if I really wanted it enough I’d find a way to get it all in. When there are a lot of things pulling at you from all sides, picking which one is more important is not always an easy thing. Do I put my kids aside to go to a Weight watchers meeting, or go buy shoes, or attend to work around the house? Which of these gets priority? Which can wait until another day?
Also, how do you rearrange funds when your kids have a ton of end-of-year expenses? Do I tell my kids they can’t have a yearbook? Do I make them forgo senior banquet? It is all frustrating to me, but hopefully they don’t see any of that. I just want to get on with actually accomplishing something and doing it well. So there you have it.
Today’s quote:
“No man in the world has more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut. ~Channing Pollock”
I'm sorry but I don't buy into the excuses. i bet if you were to add up what you spend on fast food, the money for the shoes or whatever would be there. And you would not be putting your children aside while you went to a meeting. They would love to see their dad doing something for himself that would benefit them as well. Children see through all the excuses. Do it for you and for them, but don't make up any more excuses.
You don't have to buy into the excuses. You have no idea what is going on in his family. He's said that with everything that has been going on he's been away from his kids a lot lately and doesn't want to be away from them more right now. And you don't know him that well if you think that smacking him down will motivate. Tony doesn't work that way!
My intention was not to "smack" Tony down. I have had those very same excuses, when someone pointed out to me how much I was spending on fast food, and also all the excuses I was making to stay where I was. No one understands this whole weight saga better than I do. It is very frightening giving up a "best friend and companion". But it can be done. The only way is to get completely honest with yourself, as with any addiction. I adore Tony and think he is one of the most talented people I have ever met. I so want him to get well and healthy. And as he said, to leave this legacy for his children. It is so tough, but once you get going, I think you will find that this new adventure will be exciting! I wish the best for you Tony, and pray for you as well.
I agree with some of the comments said. Especially where the money is going to. Maybe as a way to help yourself stop eating as much fast food start writing down the cost of everything per day and add it up, or just look in your check book register and add it up. It is amazing how much stupid things cost. I have limited fast food now to one time per week mostly becuase of the cost. When I was eating it I was choosing healthier choices and every fast food place has them, but the cost is enormous no matter what and drains your checkbook fast when you could have that money to either get out of debt faster or family or kids, or health benefits or saving $ for a rainy day or retirement. Just naming general things that money is better used for-remember none of us are perfect-that is why we are here on earth. The important thing is we keep trying our very best and pushing ourselves because we don't know how much time we have on this earth and it is a test and I don't want to stand at the pearly gates and say, "Sorry...I wasted my earth life experience or didn't improve the best I can". I know you don't want to have to do that-no one does except for the extremely apathetic and I'm sure deep down they don't either. Also, if you don't give up some stuff like the fatty foods, etc and maybe even activities you would prefer to be at to take the time to do this change, you might not be around much longer for your children to enjoy you. That would be a huge regret I'm sure. No one knows for sure when our time is up but it is best to change and do the things we need to in this life now because I once read in a book by a general authority (maybe Spencer Kimbal? possible Miracle of Forgiveness) that it takes people on the other side 10 years to change what we can change in a year here on earth. It is easy to see why he said that. I'm rooting for you. I would maybe consider counseling and you can get it fairly cheap at county places. I am not saying this because of depression etc; in fact I don't know that but it can really really be beneficial to help change thought and behavior patterns and I bet that is behind a lot of this. It is up to you and no one can do it for you though and keep trying your hardest. :)
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