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Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Moment on the Lips, Forever on the Hips….

Here’s the list:

2 slices toast, 1 peach low fat yogurt, one smoked turkey and ham sandwich, 1 cup of goldfish crackers, 1 strawberry low fat yogurt, chicken BLT burrito, tarter tots w/cheese, Diet Coke.

I am feeling the need to get moving.  For three weeks now, I’ve been listing my foods, being very honest about what I eat, and not sugar-coating anything.  But I feel the need to start putting something into action.  I am looking at Weight Watchers, either online or attending meetings.  I lean toward online, but I’m not sure.  The meetings might make a bit more of an impact with the whole social pressure thing, but at the same time, my schedule is busy enough already.  Do I really need to add another thing into the mix, even if it is only once a week?  This is the same basic “excuse” I use for not going to the gym.  That and I would be wearing my levis to work out in.

It’s hard to make these changes.  I look at the things that I need to get this all started, and although we are not in dire straights with our money, we don’t have a lot of disposable income.  Budgeting for these things can be hard.  The only real shoes I have right now are my work shoes, which really aren’t all that conducive to long walks or working out.  I don’t exactly have a lot of shorts or workout clothing, either.  And I can’t exactly run down to Wal-mart for a cheap pair of sweats.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not complaining, it’s just not as easy as it may appear.  I know a lot of you may be thinking, “What’s your problem?  Get off your big ol’ butt and get busy!”  And to some extent you are right.  But things aren’t always as easy and clear-cut as you may think.

Today’s quote:

“Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.  ~Doug Larson”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly who really cares what other people think!! Serious...go to the gym in your Levi's if that is the only way to do it right now. Or walk outside in your levis. And maybe replace one activity for weight watchers if you think you would go to it and use it and then take up that activity again once you have figured out all you need to from weight watcher. Plus with the money you save cutting out fast food maybe you'll be able to buy good tennies or something. Try looking at famous footwear or even jc penney's they have good sales on good brands that are better for your feet. As far as online versus the actual ww meetings, don't do it because of the social pressure, that could be setting yourself up to fail. The benefit about going to the meetings is you have to be more accountable in a way because you have to report and weigh in. On the other hand doing it online might make it harder for you to actually get good change from it. But again seriously don't care what other people think. Do this because you want to and want to be healthy, etc. If they are sitting there judging you well people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! That just means they have bigger fish to fry/issues to work on like pride and selfishness etc. Keep up the good work. Your food is getting healthier! :)