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Thursday, March 29, 2012

I’m sorry. Did I say that out loud?

I apparently can’t even manage once a week posts!  This is going to be much more of a fee association/mind dump that I normally post, so buckle up!  It’s gonna be a bumpy trip!

Life does occasionally intrude into our hopes and dreams and makes things crappy.  And is some small and interesting ways the Bluebird of Happiness has decided to relieve itself fully on our cupcake of peace.  In fact, he covered the damn thing completely!  Luckily, we have a supply of shovels to clean up with.

I wish someone would let you know that when church callings are extended, the whole family gets to play along.  I don’t actually know how my wife manages to do what she does, but I know that anything I can do to help is but a drop in the bucket of what she needs and deserves.  Relief Society president is a calling I wouldn’t wish on anyone.  And she does so much that people don’t see or know.  So much of her time is spent in worrying about and caring for others.  She is an amazing woman and I have no idea why the good Lord say fit to saddle her with me, but I count my lucky stars that he did.  I could not be more blessed.

Parenthood is a real kick in the shorts, sometimes.  I wouldn’t trade my kids for anything, but there are times you just want to smack them upside the head as say, “REALLY!!?!?!?!?!”  Why is it that they can have an answer right in front of them, but still search for the “signs” they need to decide?  Why is it that they aren’t as brilliant as I am and see what they need to do (just like I do!)?  I know they need to take their own path, but sometimes I want to kick them a little further down that path so they can get over themselves.  They can be such little idiots!  Having said that, though, you ever cross my kids, you better duck and cover!  I will NOT allow my kids to dragged through the mud, especially when that mud is not of their making.

I guess that’s all for now.  I just ran out of steam on the whole thing. 

Quote of the day:

‎"We are not free. And the sky can still fall on our heads. And the theater has been created to teach us that first of all." - Antonin Artaud

1 comment:

Kat said...

So, tell me what these signs are that are right in my face!!!!!!! I could REALLY use one! :)